Since August 2020, the Truthmeter portal, as an independent fact-checking site, has been collaborating with Facebook to expose and mark disinformation posted on this social network. In this webinar, members of the editorial board (editors and fact-checkers) will discuss the challenges they face in exposing Facebook disinformation, the attacks on them and the Metamorphosis Foundation staff (the publisher of Truthmeter), which have emerged since the beginning of this cooperation, but also the manner of work and assignment of ratings, disinformation that we review, as well as review and analysis of the situation with disinformation in the country.
The webinar will be held on 22 June starting at 15:00. The one-hour webinar will be moderated by Filip Stojanovski, project manager of CriThink, and the topic will be debated by Vladimir Petrevski, Miroslava Burns and Ana Anastasovska.
The webinar will be broadcast live on the CriThink Facebook page.
The working language of the webinar is Macedonian.
The project “Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink” is implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation in partnership with Eurothink. The project is funded by the European Union.