The content of the workshop was the following:

– Information on progress in the e-documents project, which is one of the biggest and most significant projects of MIOA that includes otjer 15 state authorities, which should contribute to full reform in the way the state administration carries out the administrative procedures

– Presentation of the draft model of the contract for procurement of development of software application with all its specifics, including key aspects of the Service Level Agreement (SLA)

– Presentation of the basic legal aspects of personal data protection, with emphasis on protection of personal data processing through ICT

– Presentation of recently finalized Guide “How to create privacy policy?”

Presentations of the first two items on the agenda were made by MISA representatives, while the last two items were made by the representatives of the Directorate for Personal Data Protection and Metamorphosis Foundation.

The workshop was attended by around 35 people, who with their participation in the discussions contributed to open new and resolve many issues and challenges they face in the conducting the public procurement procedures, implementation of contracts and the processing of personal data, all these in relation to software applications and electronic systems.

It is expected that in the next few weeks a working group, under the coordination of MISA, will finalize the model contract for procurement of development of software application and then the contract will be publicly announced and distributed to all contracting authorities. Also, all stakeholders from the public and private sector are encouraged to use the Guide to privacy policies in order to create and publish privacy policy on their web sites, which will contribute to improve their image and increase the trust among the users of their web sites and electronic systems.

Source: MISA “Workshop on drafting and managing high-quality contracts for procurement of development of software applications and privacy policy” March 30, 2011
