Parliament openness in the region and Macedonia

In cooperation with the partners from the regional NGO network “ACTION SEE“, Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society prepared the policy in which it analyzes the level of transparency, openness and accountability of parliaments in the Western Balkans region.

Proposals for the improvement of a current state – Openness of institutions of executive power in the region and Macedonia

In cooperation with partners from a regional NGO network “ACTION SEE” Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society prepared the policy paper, in which we analyze the level of transparency, openness, accountability of executive power in the region of Western Balkans.

Analysis of the legal framework on education and the possibilities of including open educational resources

The analysis covers the Law on Primary Education, the Law on Secondary Education, Law on Textbooks for Primary and Secondary Education, Law on Copyright and Related Rights, and also provides a perspective for the situation, opportunity to draw conclusions and recommendations for regulation of open educational resources in these laws.

Laws in Macedonia – Adherence to Data Protection Principles

This project is an attempt to provide insight into how 35 laws from 12 areas in Macedonia adhere to the general principles of privacy and personal data protection and thereby to contribute to their compliance with the EU’s privacy standards and principles.

Parents’ Guide to Protecting Children’s Privacy and Personal Data on the Internet

The focus of this Guide lies on the Internet, on social networks, and also presents other forms of communications and key locations where misuse of personal data and invasion of privacy is possible.  

Policy paper: Increasing the use of websites as tools for transparency, accountability and e-participation

The aim of this public policy paper is to examine the current level of use of the websites of central and local authorities in the Republic of Macedonia (mostly using domains) in the areas of transparency, accountability and e-participation of the citizens in the decision making process, and to offer recommendations on how to […]

Употребата на компјутери и интернет во образовниот систем на РМ

Анализа на контекстот на досегашната компјутеризацијата и дигитализацијата на образованието (сите јавно достапни национални документи, евалуациски извештаи од спроведени програми, изјави за јавност и сл.).

Open Access – Briefing Paper

This document is published by JISC The World Wide Web has provided the means for researchers to make their research results available to anyone, anywhere, at any time. This applies to journal articles regardless of whether or not their library has a subscription to the journal in which the articles were published as well as […]

Privacy in Macedonia in 2008

Macedonia: Privacy Developments in 2008Report by Metamorphosis Foundation for EDRIEven though the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and the Law onPersonal Data Protection (LPDP), the Criminal Code, Law on Organization andOperation of State Administrative Bodies and other laws recognize and protectthe rights of privacy, data protection and secrecy of communications, theimplementation of these protections […]