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Очекуван лорем ипсум на ховер?


Proposals for the improvement of a current state – Openness of the local self-government in the region and Macedonia

In cooperation with the partners from the “ACTION SEE” regional NGO network, Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society prepared the policy paper in which we analyze the level of transparency, openness, accountability of

Proposals for the improvement of a current state – Openness of institutions of executive power in the region and Macedonia

In cooperation with the partners from the “ACTION SEE” regional NGO network, Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society prepared the latest policy paper in which we analyze the level of transparency, openness, accountability

Roadmap on good governance for state institutions in the Republic of Macedonia

Openness represents a key condition for democracy – since it allows citizens to receive information and knowledge necessary for equal participation in political life, effective decision making and holding institutions accountable for policies

Openness of judicial bodies in the region and Macedonia

In cooperation with partners from a regional NGO network “ACTION SEE”, Metamorphosis Foundation for internet and society prepared a policy paper, in which we analyze a level of transparency, openness and accountability of

Analysis of the openness of local self-government in Macedonia and the region

In cooperation with partners from a regional NGO network “ACTION SEE”, Metamorphosis Foundation for internet and society has prepared the analysis of a level of transparency, openness and accountability of local self-governments in

National Report from the Research Project “Youth and Media”

Research implemented by: Elena Ignatova, Metamorphosis Dona Dzambaska, Metamorphosis Monika Bozinovska, Youth Educational Forum Sanja Bozovik, Youth Educational Forum Report written by: Elena Ignatova, Metamorphosis Methodology: Neda Korunovska, Reaktor Project Team: Elena Ignatova

Parliament openness in the region and Macedonia

In cooperation with the partners from the regional NGO network “ACTION SEE“, Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society prepared the policy in which it analyzes the level of transparency, openness and accountability of

Proposals for the improvement of a current state – Openness of institutions of executive power in the region and Macedonia

In cooperation with partners from a regional NGO network “ACTION SEE” Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society prepared the policy paper, in which we analyze the level of transparency, openness, accountability of executive

Digitalization of Broadcasting Activity in Macedonia: Achievements, Challenges, Perspectives

Analysis of the legal framework on education and the possibilities of including open educational resources

The analysis covers the Law on Primary Education, the Law on Secondary Education, Law on Textbooks for Primary and Secondary Education, Law on Copyright and Related Rights, and also provides a perspective for

Laws in Macedonia – Adherence to Data Protection Principles

This project is an attempt to provide insight into how 35 laws from 12 areas in Macedonia adhere to the general principles of privacy and personal data protection and thereby to contribute to

Good Governance – Experiences and Challenges

The development of the civil society is a necessary component of every transparent, responsible and effective government that focuses on the citizens’ needs and strengthens the citizen’s support for reform processes through inclusion.

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