In cooperation with the partners from the “ACTION SEE” regional NGO network, Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society prepared the policy paper in which we analyze the level of transparency, openness, accountability of the local self-government in the Western Balkans region.
Local government in the Republic of North Macedonia meets only 25% of the indicators of openness, analyzed in the areas of transparency, accessibility, integrity and efficiency. This average assessment, which is well below the average of the region, shows a low level of engagement and commitment by municipalities to meet the openness standards. This index shows an alarming state of openness of the local government, given the essence of the existence of municipalities – they should serve the citizens, base transparency on open data and information, have clear procedures for participatory decision-making as well as clear procedures for obtaining public services, but also to explain in detail for what have they used the public money available to them and how they have improved community life.
You can read the entire document on this link.