Within the Be cool, Be healthy, Do sports project, through the ERASMUS+ program, organized by the National Youth Agency of Malta together with the partner organizations from Macedonia – Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society and Ballyfermot Youth Service from the Republic of Ireland, 8 young people from Macedonia aged 13-18 will take part in a training that will be held from 24 November to 1 December 2018 in Malta.
Project’s main theme is to understand and analyze the impact of sport on young people’s life and its direct impact on their health. The training aims to: improve young people’s personal development, personal and communication skills and focus on skills necessary for organizing sport activities. Official language of the youth exchange shall be English, hence the participants will be able to enhance their foreign language speaking and listening skills, participate in workshops on: video and poster production, smart use of social media and digital literacy. Participants come from various parts of Europe. This will help strengthen the European identity of young people. At last, youth will be able to understand what it is like to learn studying in an informal atmosphere and through various experiences, not just through formal education.
After the training has ended, participants will receive Youth certificate – Youth PASS to serve them during their education.
Metamorphosis’ project coordinator is Liljana Pecova – Ilieska, MA.