The overall objective of the project is to provide enhanced opportunities for people with disabilities (PwD) to become equal and active participants––socially and economically—in Macedonian society.
Expected results:
- The expected results of this action will be that the public and, particularly, PwD will learn of the existence of assistive technology and the benefits. They will learn that PwD can use assistive technology in order to have more chances for employment and better education.
- The students with disabilities can use this technology to communicate with their teachers and peers, type up their homework (persons with physical disabilities have difficulty writing with a pen) and access information on the Internet.
- For the older PwD, they will be able to work on computers, making them more marketable in the job field. Assistive technology can help PwD to better compete for office jobs and those that require computer knowledge.
- The public, now more exposed to the challenges and discrimination faced by PwD, will alter their perception that PwD are completely incapable of contributing and participating in society. The public will be more open and accepting of PwD.