During the following days, Metamorphosis Foundation will take part in second Regional Internet Freedom Summit hosted by American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI).
From March 22 to March 24 more than 120 Internet freedom experts and human rights activists from Europe and Eurasia, as well as from number of international organizations, will gather together in Struga, Macedonia, to discuss the latest developments in online freedom of expression, privacy, and cybersecurity.
Metamorphosis team is the co-organizer of the Freedom of Expression Track, including the panel discussion entitled “The Current State of Freedom of Expression in Eastern and Central Europe and Eurasia, which includes participation of Ambassador Nina Suomalainen, Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Robert Popovski, Minister without Portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia in charge of Communications, Accountability, and Transparency, Ellery Biddle, director Global Voices Advocacy (Advox) and Olga Kyryliuk of Digital Defenders Partners – Ukraine. The session will be moderated by Metamorphosis director Bardhyl Jashari and will start at 11:00 am on 22 March (Thursday).
During the same day, at 14:30 hrs, Metamorphosis team will also lead the session “The Faces of Free Expression” which will focus on personal experiences of people from the Eastern Europe and Eurasian region who had stood up against injustice and made sacrifices in defense of freedom of expression and human rights. The speakers of this session include the Macedonian journalist Tomislav Kezharovski, a fellow of Hamburg Foundation for Politically Persecuted People and Leslie de Freitas, IFEX.
Metamorphosis representatives will also take part in the discussions on the self-regulation and government regulation of the Internet, trust and security in the digital economy, and the protection of privacy.
The summit agenda is available for download (.PDF) and the social media hashtag used by the summit participants is #IFSummit.