At the second Freedom on the Internet public event organized by the Metamorphosis Foundation in cooperation with the Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering – FINKI and the Internet Governance Forum Macedonia, it was concluded that there is a larger need for greater education, greater awareness and a transparent judicial practice that will guarantee the rule of law and freedom on the Internet, as well as specialized court departments and judges who preside over copyright law.
The event was dedicated to presenting the human rights protection related preliminary reports from the Freedom on the Internet project funded by the American Bar Association – Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI), as well as presenting the results from the measured openness of institutions from the ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in SEE project, supported by the EU.
The Freedom on the Internet project and the preliminary reports on freedom of expression, privacy and Internet security in Macedonia, were presented in general terms by Filip Stojanovski, program director of Metamorphosis. Valentin Pepeljugovski, a lawyer and an expert on copyright and related rights, presented the Preliminary Report on the situation regarding the application of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights.
Alexandar Nikolov, executive director of Zenith Association, discussed the preliminary report on the situation related to the application of legal framework in regards to the recent wiretapping, while Metamorphosis’ Liljana Pecova-Ilieska presented the results of the monitoring of institutional openness and transparency for the Republic of Macedonia from the project, “Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in SEE” (ACTION SEE).
During the discussions with journalists, jurists, lawyers and activists, the main point was that it should be paid heed to raising of public awareness on international legal standards that ought to be implemented, and also, jurists working in these areas in Macedonia shared their experiences as well as the judicial practice on internet-related cases.