For the needs of Social Enterprise – Smart Tourism Enhancement Project (STEP) funded by the European Union within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme (IPA II 2014-2015), based on the Grant with reference number IPA/2017/390-054, Metamorphosis Foundation’s procurement commission, in cooperation with Centre for Development of Polog Planning Region and Council of the Elbasan County, publishes a call for offers for procuring services for developing a software for Inter-Regional Tourism Online Platform.

Offers are delivered in hard copy by a carrier or in person to Metamorphosis Foundation’s premises, Apostol Guslarot 40, Skopje. The offer should contain a separately marked envelope with the financial offer. The offer is delivered in one closed envelope (which will contain the separate financial offer) marked “FOR STEP PROJECT” while the bottom left side should be marked “DO NOT OPEN” and the number of the call 05/2019 which is relevant to the offer.

Offers delivered after the deadline and offers that do not contain the required elements or do not meet the calls propositions won’t be considered for further evaluation. Each bidder participates with one offer only.

Deadline for delivering the offers is Monday, 15 April 2019, 12:00.

The tender files containing more details about the call are available below.

