The permalink of the survey is
The survey consists of 18 multiple choice questions about the website, and also space for the citizens to express their opinions on the most used services from the portal:
- Issuing of travel documents;
- Issuing of personal ID card;
- Issuing of birth certificate;
- Information on where to apply to obtain visas from foreign embassies; and
- Governmental scholarships for university students.
The feedback received from the citizens will be used as a basis for further development and upgrading of the portal, especially in order to provide complete e-services for all their needs that should be fulfilled by the government.
Besides the analysis of the e-services, the ICT component of the Good Governance Project also covers determining and applying of ICT standards for the state bodies and agencies, determining of the needs for IT trainings for the civil servants, and support for the IT sector of the General Secretariat of the Government of RM with human resources.
The project is supported by FOSIM, and implemented in cooperation with the General Secretariat, the Metamorphosis Foundation, and experts from appropriate government bodies, such as the Agency for Civil Servants, the Secretariat for European Affairs, etc.