On 25 December 2015, the foundation Metamorphosis, alongside with the participants from the
data-based journalism training as well as the
We Can Code event participants (which took place during the European Code Week) held Open Data Meetup. The journalists and the computer engineers had the goal to talk about the cooperation possibilities, especially when it comes to electoral data.

The informal meeting took place at Public Room in Skopje from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. First, the open data basics and the Data pipeline were presented, and then the participants were divided into three groups and worked on their project ideas related to electoral data.

These project ideas will be additionally developed, and the best one will be supported and implemented with the help of the foundation Metamorphosis, within the
Open Data Civil Society network project framework.

This project is implemented by the foundation Metamorphosis, in cooperation with Open Knowledge Foundation, and is supported by the
British Embassy Skopje. The aim of the project is to spur the civil organizations, media, and individuals that spur changes, via forming
School for Data – Macedonia, and also to make them understand and to utilize the official governmental and other open data with a goal to increase the government’s accountability, to enhance the service delivery and also to increase the civil participation in the policy creating process.