On October 17, 2006 Metamorphosis e-Bilten #2 was published. Apart from the standard ICT news from Macedonia and the world and news about the activities of the Metamorphosis Foundation, there are two articles, one for eRiders and one for converting documents in standard fonts with Macedonian language support . You can read the e-newsletter at the Metamorphosis website, and you can subscribe to receive it at your e-mail address. Metamorphosis e-Bilten #2 was distributed to 240 e-mail addresses.

Metamorphosis e-Bilten #1 was distributed to 238 e-mail addresses and we have received positive reactions on our e-mail address. These are some of them:

Congratulations on your e-newsletter, it is really loaded with useful information!Anita Ilievska
Center for Institutional Development CIRa

Thank you in my own behalf and on behalf on JEF Ohrid and JEF Macedonia!
Aleksandar Avramoski
JEF Ohrid

I wish you success from which we, the recipients, will have great benefit.
Zoran Chitkushev

I know one thing about the life. Never give up!
Try again and again and you will succeed in reaching your desires. Success is not accidental, it is a complex of clearly set goal, responsibility, discipline, hard work, endurance, patience.
Congratulations on your persistence and endurance!
I wish you success in your work!
Professor of Arts Sonya Shilkoski
