The Microsoft NGO Connection day organized by the local office of Microsoft Macedonia and the Metamorphosis Foundation took place on March 20, 2014. The event was attended by 120 representatives of the civil society sector who learned more about enhancing their ICT skills, and about the use and opportunities offered by Microsoft through the Youthspark program and the Cyber grant applications.
The event was opened by Stefan Plavjanski, general manager of Microsoft Macedonia and Kosovo, and Bardhyl Jashari, director of the Metamorphosis Foundation.
Настанот го отворија генералниот менаџер на Мајкрософт Македонија и Косово Стефан Плавјански како и Бардил Јашари директор на Фондацијата Метаморфозис.
„Соработката со Мајкрософт за овој настан е продолжување на напорите на Метаморфозис да ги зајакне капацитетите на НВО за користење на новите технологии во работата, со цел поефикасно да ја остварат нивната мисија. Со донациите на Микрософт ќе се заокружи процесот на поддршка кој започна со обуки и менторство од страна на Метаморфозис со кои беа опфатени 10 организации“, истакна Бардил Јашари, директор на фондацијата Метаморфозис.
“The collaboration with Microsoft for this event is a continuation of the efforts of Metamorphosis to strengthen the capacities of NGOs for using new technologies in their work, in order to accomplish their mission more effectively. Microsoft’s donations will complete the support process which started with the trainings and mentoring by Metamorphosis, covering 10 organizations” said Bardhyl Jashari, director of the Metamorphosis Foundation.
After the keynote speeches, Elena Ignatova, project coordinator at the Metamorphosis Foundation, held a presentation on how NGOs can benefit from new technologies. Furthermore, Vlora Ademi, Academic Program Manager at Microsoft Macedonia and Kosovo discussed on the topic “Creating real impact for a better tomorrow: Microsoft YouthSpark, presenting the program for supporting youth in creating and using opportunities..
“Microsoft donated software with a fair market value (FMV) of $795 million to more than 70,000 nonprofits worldwide in FY13. Microsoft Macedonia software donations: More than 320k USD software donated in FY13 with more than 600 number of licenses. Organizations willing to apply for a software donations can contact me via my email address for more information,” said Vlora Ademi, Academic Program Manager at Microsoft Macedonia and Kosovo.
As a global initiative, the YouthSpark program has been active since last year, and aims to create opportunities for 300 million young people in the next three years. This program has created opportunities for more than 103 million young people in more than 100 countries worldwide by providing grants to organizations that support youth development with their mission and activities during their first year of existence.
During the second half of the event, Tamara Resavska, project coordinator at Metamorphosis discussed on the topic “Social Media for Social Good”, and Jovce Plastinovski, consultant at Microsoft Macedonia presented Microsoft’s productivity in the cloud.
The event was widely covered by the media, and the aggregated media reports are available in thespecial section for this event on the website. The album with photos from the event is available at the Metamorphosis’ Facebook page.