The national conference for promoting activities against hate speech will take place on Friday (May 30, 2014) at the TCC Grand Plaza hotel.

The event is organized by the National Committee against hate speech, and supported by the OSCE Mission in Skopje in order to present the activities and resources of all national institutions and organizations against hate speech in the Republic of Macedonia.

The results from the activities will be presented at the conference, and future activities will also be discussed, as well as opportunities for establishing further cooperation between the parties involved.

Conference agenda:

10.00 Keynote speech (Tome Shekerdjiev, representative of the OSCE Mission in Skopje)
Activities against hate speech in the Republic of Macedonia
10.15 The national campaign against hate speech: Objectives and past activities (Zorica Stamenkovska, national coordinator of the campaign)
10.30 Presentation of the activities of the Macedonian Helsinki Committee (Uranija Pirovska, executive director)
10.45 Presentation of the activities of the Macedonian Institute for Media ( Biljana Petkovska, director)
11.00 Presentation of the activities of Metamorphosis (Filip Stojanovski, program director)
11.15 Hate speech among young people: Presentation of the activities of SPUKM within the National campaign against hate speech (Marija Vasilevska, general secretary of SPUKM)
11.30 Hate speech among young people: Non-formal education and critical thinking versus hate speech (Marjan Zabrcanec, executive director of MOF)
11.45 Hate speech among the political youth: Presentation of the activities of the Ohrid Institute within the framework of the National campaign against hate speech (Ruzica Stojanovska, project Manager)
12.00 Questions and discussion about the presented activities
12.30 Discussion:
– Shortcomings of past activities
– Further challenges
