The trainings were attended by candidates who applied at the announcement for internship with writing and editing web contents for Macedonia, published by the Metamorphosis Foundation in August. This experience allows candidates to acquire skills for editing web content, they have an opportunity to promote their work online, to acquire work experience in research work and writing, to be included in other trainings and volunteer activities, and to acquire additional technical skills and social experiences as a result of the individual work and the work in a community.

obuka128.09.11 The three trainings were attended by a total of 17 candidates from different cities from Macedonia, who had the opportunity to be familiarized with the wiki software and its use, to learn how to edit text, create links and add sources, edit photos, multimedia, tables, categories and discussion pages. After these 3 basic trainings, a training was also held for wiki-site administrators, covering the editing of portals and user and content administration. This training was attended by 10 participants who had previously undergone the basic training.

Trainings were attended by participants from the following cities:

  • Skopje
  • Veles
  • Strumica
  • Kumanovo
  • Kavadarci
  • Gevgelija
  • Makedonski Brod
  • Kicevo

obuka30.09.2011The 4-hour trainings were conducted by trainers-representatives from the Metamorphosis Foundation, whereas the administration training was held by a representative of the NGO Wikimedia Macedonia, the partner in this project of the Metamorphosis Foundation. Participation in the trainings was free and they were held in the premises of Metamorphosis, and all participants received a copy of the Wiki Guide. The purpose of the trainings and the internship is to motivate young people to contribute to the enrichment of local content and to the improvement of its quality through cooperation enabled by the wiki-platform, and do strengthen the active citizen participation through the use of new technologies.

Participants expect to improve their technical skills, and during the training, through individual work with everyone, they had an opportunity to practically and immediately apply the acquired knowledge.

obuka01.10.11During the training sessions, discussions were also encouraged aiming to exchange ideas, with participants expressing interest in writing in various areas thus contributing to the enrichment of contents about their cities and municipalities. Proposed topics included: history, culture, economy, education, archeology, art, tourism, entertainment, actualities, music, important persons, localities, institutions … A wide selection of topics was available in order to cover as many areas as possible and to encourage work in the area of research and writing.

After the trainings are completed, a continuation of the activities is expected as well as further development, primarily by building a wiki-community and constant communication through a mailing list, use of other communication tools, as well as occasional meetings with the members, discussions and cooperation.

obuka01.10.111The purpose of these activities, in particular, is to encourage the enrichment of content on the local wiki-portals, which would lead to the creation of regional wiki-portals, connections of municipalities, and most of all, promotion of regional opportunities and values, which will stimulate business development, increase awareness of employment opportunities for people from other regions and will promote the local artistic, cultural and other events. So far, 3 portals have been created on, Skopje, Debar and Veles, but by increasing the contents of local importance it is expected to create portals for other cities as well, and connect them in regional wiki-portals in the future.
