The first public discussion on the draft – Transparency Strategy of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia (2023 – 2026) will be held on September 11, 2023, starting at 12:00 in the “Holiday Inn” hotel in Skopje.
The goal of the strategy is to connect and align the already adopted policies, which in a direct or indirect way aim to improve the transparency of the institutions, but also to give new guidelines for improving the transparency of the institutions. With the creation of this strategic document, the rules for communication between institutions and citizens and the principle of transparency will be operationalized and improved.
The draft text is the result of the work of the working group for the preparation of the Strategy for Transparency, composed of representatives of civil society organizations, media and academic representatives and institutions, which is part of the support that the Metamorphosis Foundation provides within the framework of cooperation with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of policies for good governance and through the project “Transparency and accountability of state institutions in RSM” implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation with financial support from the Open Society Foundation-Macedonia.
The Government’s Transparency Strategy with an Action Plan is planned to be implemented in the period from 2023-2026, and is intended as a continuation of the positive practices of cooperation and active transparency established by the previous Strategy.
The participation of representatives of state institutions, civil society, media workers, the business sector and all interested parties is expected at the public hearing, which will contribute to the finalization of the text of the Strategy for Transparency and the Action Plan.
The activities are part of the project “Transparency and accountability of state institutions in RSM” implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation with financial support from the Open Society Foundation-Macedonia.