As part of the project, a series of trainings were held for journalists from different editorial staffs, from both the online and traditional media, who should adapt part of their work for their web editions.
The first of the 10 trainings was held from March 7 to March 13 in the premises of Metamorphosis for part of the Plusinfo editorial staff and for the journalists from the new portal for daily content in Albanian language, which is to be launched soon – Portalb.
The training was conducted in 5 working days and covered the following: advanced web content editing, taking photos and photo editing, recording audio news and processing those news, creating videos, copyright, social media and local services for promotion. The training was attended by 8 journalists.
During the month of April, two more trainings like these will be conducted, with a program tailored to the needs of editorial staff from the media, and a total of 10 trainings will be conducted by the end of the year.