Several presentations of scientific electronic resources – academic journals and databases available through Electronic Information for Libraries Foundation (eIFL) -will be organised at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University and St. Clement of Ohrid University on October 23-30, 2006. Presentations are organised within the Creative teaching and learning project of the Foundation open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM) that is financially supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Presentations will be lead by Mr. Miodrag Dadasovikj, National and University Library – Skopje, and Ms. Jordanka Petrushevska, Metamorphosis Foundation.

Presentations will provide discussion about opportunities for more efficient use of the eIFL databases, as well as for possible issues and challenges.


Date  Time Location Premise
 23.10.2006  10:00 Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje Session’s Hall
 25.10.2006 09:30 Pedagogical Faculty, Skopje Physics Laboratory 221
 25.10.2006 13:00 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Skopje Physics Amphitheatre
 26.10.2006 12:00 Pedagogical Faculty, Shtip First classroom, renovated part of the Faculty
 30.10.2006 12:00 Pedagogical Faculty, Bitola  
