

The second round of measuring the executive, local and legislative power has begun

The second round of measuring the openness, accountability and transparency of governments and state institutions in six countries from the region, conducted within the ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in SEE project, implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation in partnership with other partner organizations from the region, begins today. Questionnaires have been […]



Meetings with ACTION SEE grantees from Macedonia were held

On 5 December 2017, representatives of ACTION SEE grantees took part in a meeting on the implementation of their grants as well as determining the needs for training and capacity building, which is one of ACTION SEE’s key activities. During the meeting, the participants were introduced with and exchanged best practices and experiences regarding grant […]



30 mayors signed the Declaration of Openness, Accountability and Transparency of Local Self-Government

Today, at the Gazi Baba town hall, 7 more mayors signed the Declaration of Openness, Accountability and Transparency of Local Self-Government, among which: the mayors of Gazi Baba, Aerodrom, Bogovinje, Vrapchishte, Zhelino, Gjorche Petrov and Karposh. Namely, this is an initiative of the Metamorphosis Foundation that started three weeks ago by delivering letter of interest […]


22.11.2017 The media reforms must be implemented professionally and through dialogue

Among the speakers in the first session was the executive director of the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, Fani Karanfilova-Panovska, who emphasized the importance of civil society’s role and highlighted that the required implementations cannot be made without civil society, which will be professional and objective critic of the government.



The thirteenth international conference e-Society will address the topic of “Freedom and privacy”

In four separate sessions, twenty representatives of institutions, media organizations and the civil sector will participate in discussions with the aim to strengthen the public awareness on reform priorities and challenges in the media sphere.



International action days “Freedom not Fear” from 6 to 9 October 2017

During the international action days “Freedom not Fear”, Metamorphosis reminds to the remarks on the “direct access” of agencies for security and counter-intelligence to telecommunication networks through which they receive digital content and data on communications, oftentimes without prior notice or being authorized by court and without the involvement and knowledge of the network operator.



Metamorphosis Foundation and Microsoft across the Balkan help the civil society sector in the digital transformation

Metamorphosis Foundation, in cooperation with Microsoft’s local office in Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia, organized the Tech4Good conference in Prishtina, Tirana and Skopje. +200 representatives from civil society organisations participated these conferences . The meetings especially focused on helping the civil sector in the process of digital transformation, so that the nonprofit organisations could reach their […]



Presentation of guidelines on openness of state institutions in the Western Balkans countries

Presentation of guidelines on good governance of state institutions in the Western Balkans countries, with special accent laid on openness of parliaments in these countries took place on July 19, at the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, within the framework of the project ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in Southeastern […]



Announcement: Panel discussion on openness and transparency of institutions in the Western Balkans

Panel discussion on openness and transparency of institutions in the Western Balkans will take place on July 19, at 1:00 PM at the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia. This discussion is part of the project ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in Southeastern Europe. The event’s aim is official presentation of […]



Final event and presentation of the project “Who ties the hands of the journalists and how they can be untied – Detention”

The final event within the framework of the project “Investigative journalism, guardian of human rights and freedoms” saw the presentation of the investigative video story “Who ties the hands of the journalists and how they can be untied – Detention”. The story, envisaged as case study, deals with problems journalists face while obtaining information from […]



Final event from the project on training of people with intellectual disability

This project was implemented by the Civic Association Inclusive Solutions – Skopje in cooperation with Public Room, as a part of the project Accountability through Citizen Engagement, implemented by Foundation for Internet and Society, Metamorphosis.



Invitation to presentation: Who ties the hands of the journalists and how they can be untied – Detention

Metamorphosis Foundation invites you to the final conference of the project “Who ties the hands of the journalists and how they can be untied – Detention”. This event will take place on Thursday, 15 June 2017 (11:00 AM – 1:00 PM), at CEM Club at Menada café, Old Bazaar, Skopje. Download the agenda. (.pdf)