

Open Call: Funding Options Research Study Consultancy Services – Metamorphosis Foundation

Applications should be submitted to Marija Panchevska, Finance Manager, at not later then 18 June 2018, 17:00h. Application should include a CV, a financial proposal including tentative work-plan and a letter of interest of no more than 500 words explaining how your background and experience qualify you or your company for this type of assignment. Please also provide contact details of two people/organizations as a reference contacts for your ability to undertake this work. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited to interview.



Awarded grants to civil society organizations

Grants for implementation of six-month projects have been awarded to 10 civil society organizations from six countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will address urgent local and national issues in the upcoming period in order to advance good governance and the rule of law



Metamorphosis Foundation marks the International Fact-Checking Day

The International Fact-Checking Network and the like-minded organizations from all around the world mark the International Fact-Checking Day. “We believe that fact-checking shouldn’t be something only professional fact-checkers do. An accurate information ecosystem requires everyone to do their part.” – said from the International Fact-Checking Network. Part of this network is Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet […]



Machine-readable data on Ministers’ expenditures will be more useful

As one of the civil society organizations in Macedonia that is strongly committed to applying the good governance principles, especially the principles of accountability, transparency and openness, Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society hails Government’s move for introducing the electronic tool for showing Ministries’ and other executive branch institutions’ expenditures.



The Platform of civic organizations for fight against corruption requests professionalism, de-partization and integrity of the members of the SCPC

The Platform of civic organizations for fight against corruption (the Platform) requests the formation of a professional anti-corruption body that will initiate and implement the legal remit and policies for prevention of corruption in the Republic of Macedonia in an effective and independent manner and with high degree of integrity. The Platform calls on change […]




Partnership Grants (PGs) The USAID Civic Engagement Project in Macedonia (CEP) invites civil society organization (CSO) alliances in Macedonia to apply for Partnership Grants (PGs). The CSO alliances include legally registered and non-registered CSO coalitions, platforms, networks, and alliances comprised of at least five (5) member CSOs. CEP is a five year USAID-funded program that […]



30 mayors signed the Declaration of Openness, Accountability and Transparency of Local Self-Government

Today, at the Gazi Baba town hall, 7 more mayors signed the Declaration of Openness, Accountability and Transparency of Local Self-Government, among which: the mayors of Gazi Baba, Aerodrom, Bogovinje, Vrapchishte, Zhelino, Gjorche Petrov and Karposh. Namely, this is an initiative of the Metamorphosis Foundation that started three weeks ago by delivering letter of interest […]



Discussion on including the Parliament in the Open Government Partnership

Interesting and open discussions between the MPs, parliamentary service and civil society organizations took place at the event, with the aim to raise awareness for transparent and accountable work of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia.



Vacancy announcement

Interested candidates complying with the aforesaid criteria can send letter of interest and CV (EU format) to not later than 25 October 2017, 15:00.



USAID’s Civic Engagement Project: Job Announcement

Closing time and date: Monday, October 23, 2017, 13:00 The Civic Engagement Project (CEP) is a five year USAID-funded program that strives to achieve two objectives: (1) strengthened influence of civil society organizations (CSOs) on issues of public concerns; and (2) increased and sustained youth engagement in public life in Macedonia. The Project is implemented […]



International action days “Freedom not Fear” from 6 to 9 October 2017

During the international action days “Freedom not Fear”, Metamorphosis reminds to the remarks on the “direct access” of agencies for security and counter-intelligence to telecommunication networks through which they receive digital content and data on communications, oftentimes without prior notice or being authorized by court and without the involvement and knowledge of the network operator.



Awarded grants to civil society organizations

Grants for implementation of six-month projects have been awarded to 18 civil society organizations from six countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will address urgent local and national issues in the upcoming period in order to advance good governance and the rule of law. These grants are dedicated to local […]