We-Go Academies – Executed Trainings

This deliverable reports on the status of training and knowledge transfer in other forms in theparticipating WB countries, Austria and Estonia, in the period between 1 Dec 2006 and 31Nov 2007 plus suspension period (up to July 2008).

We-Go Interoperability Framework

The We-Go project aims at identifying the most recent interoperability status in Western Balkan Countries compared to the European Interoperability Framework guidelines and at developing recommendations of practical use when eGovernment services will be developed and deployed locally in order to achieve pan-European compliance. The deliverable describes in detail per Western Balkan Country – Bosnia […]

We-Go Knowledge Net

The We-Go Knowledge Net community is established by identifying relevant eGovernment stakeholders in all Western Balkan Countries and organizing relevant activities with their participation. We-Go team participants actively contribute to this community, and the stakeholders can actively participate in sharing and communicating the knowledge about eGovernment services or in using the results of the We-Go […]

We-Go Academies Local Implementation Plans

This deliverable focuses on preparation of implementation plans for e-government related trainings in the participating West Balkan countries – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia. The related work is carried out within framework of Task T.3.2.: Localization (Organisational Concept & Adaptation of curricula), whose objectives are: – To identify training institutions on a national […]

WeGo Концепт за обуки во областа на е-власт

Целта на Академијата за е -власт е обезбедувањето основа за е-власт. WeGo проектот ќе пренесе знаење до целните земји. Сегашниот концепт е посветен на обука за е -власт кај националната и локалната администрација. Од една страна, целта на концептот на обуката е да им се помогне на вработените да се запознаат со главните аспекти на […]

National strategy for information society development & Action plan

Опис на стратегијата и акциониот план за развој на информатичко општество.

Evaluation of the Impact of the USAID eGov Project Activities in Macedonia

The evaluation performed by the Metamorphosis Foundation between July and September 2009 revealed that the five specific G2B Applications supported by the USAID-funded eGov Project implemented by Internews Network had crucial impact on the general process of e-government development in Macedonia from 2004 to 2009.

Benchmarking eGovernment Services in Macedonia

For the fourth time we perform measurements of the online sophistication at the government level in Macedonia. The measurement was conducted in the period March/April 2008 and reflects the situation of the realized projects in 2008. This time we followed the Capgemini’s new 5-stage grading system, where 5th level has been added to encompass the […]

IT Training of the Macedonian State Administration: Needs Assessment

Information presented in this document are based on the draft findings from the survey and analyses conducted within the framework of the “Evaluation of the potential for good governance in Macedonia” project implemented by the Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia(FOSIM) in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Government of Republic of Macedonia and […]

Growth of eGovernment services in Macedonia

This study shows the enormous growth of eGovernment services in Republic of Macedonia for the period of 2004 up to 2007. It is shown that in comparison to the EU member states and new member states Macedonia has also growing trend and will reach the objectives set in EU states, but at least 5 years […]

National policy for information society

Опис на националната политика за информатичко општество.

Roadmap for Inclusive eGovernment in the Western Balkans

“Inclusive eGovernment is about using digital technologies to provide public services which improve people’s lives, encourage participation in the local community, strengthen democracy and help those at risk of exclusion from society.” – European Commission Regional Inclusive eGovernment Roadmap is a product of the Western Balkans Network for Inclusive eGovernment Project, supported by the East […]