Free Access to Public Information



The Republic of Macedonia adopted the Law on Free Access to Public Information in 2006, and the legal framework was improved with the amendments to the law in 2010. Despite this promising development of the legal framework, it is often difficult to assess and to know how much these laws actually correspond with reality and how much they are actually applied in practice.

Therefore, the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia in cooperation with its partners Transparency Macedonia, Metamorphosis Foundation, Macedonian Young Lawyers’ Association, Youth Education Forum and Civil –Center for Freedom, through the website is making available almost all previous practice of law enforcement in the Cases section, where anyone interested can obtain the data available, retrieved by using the Law on Free Access to Public Information.

The website ( provides citizens and everyone interested an insight into the public information already published or submitted, to be inspired about the types of questions that they can ask the authorities, as well as the possibility of directly asking these questions through the website.

This is a new tool available online and enabling citizens, journalists and anyone interested to learn how to submit requests for free access to information, but also to compare the experiences with the use of this right, with more than 2,500 compared cases available on the website. With this new tool, citizens have the opportunity to highlight the weaknesses and best practices from the right to free access.

The Metamorphosis Foundation digitized the requests of citizens for free access to public information and these are available in the Resources section of the project website.