During the month of February, the Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink project conducted a series of three webinars. While the topic selection addressed the expressed needs of the sub-grantees of the Small Grants Scheme, the webinars were open to the public as participation would benefit the wider civil society and media organizations.
The webinars are integral part of the CriThink capacity building methodology, which also consists of financial support, training and mentoring via seminars and online consultations. As a follow up to the training seminar conducted in November, the February series addressed the following topics:
- Media literacy: Terminology and teaching tools, incl. discussion about upcoming Handbook (Feb 20)
- Promotion of media literacy via social media – best practices (Feb 13)
- Organizing public events, procedures and lessons learned (Feb 6)
CriThink is being implemented by Metamorphosis and Eurothink with financial support of the European Union, and the current first cycle of the Small Grants Scheme started in September 2018 and is set to end by the end of March 2019. It builds capacities of partnerships between civil society organizations and media outlets who work in six planning regions, addressing the needs for media literacy education and awareness raising about dealing with media manipulations within their communities.
CriThink team will continue using this interactive format as a way to address current burning issues as a way to contribute to building a culture of critical thinking in the context of promotion of media literacy. A new series will be announced at the beginning of March.
The primary participants of the webinars will include members of the beneficiary organizations (civil society activists and media workers participating in the Small Grants Scheme), they are also construed as public events – with an open invitation for any other citizens to join in. Apart from dissemination of knowledge and skills to the direct participants, each webinar results in creation of video file that will be posted online and used for repeated continuous education of much wider audiences.