On Friday, 2 April, journalists and activists around for the fifth time mark the International Fact-Checking Day initiated by the International Fact-Checking Network, whose member from North Macedonia is the Metamorphosis Foundation.
On that occasion, the project “Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink” implemented by “Metamorphosis” and “Eurothink” with the support of the European Union sends a public invitation to the Panel Discussion dedicated to fact-checking as a means of promoting media literacy, which will be held online on 02.04.2021 starting at 12.00 and will be broadcast live on the CriThink Facebook page.
During the one-hour panel discussion, Bardhyl Jashari, Executive Director of the Metamorphosis Foundation, will give an introductory speech, and all aspects related to the fact-checking will be debated by:
Filip Stojanovski, Project Manager of CriThink,
Vladimir Petreski, Editor for fact-checking in Macedonian and Editor-in-chief of Truthmeter,
Elida Zulbeari, Editor for fact-checking in Albanian and Editor-in-chief of Portalb.mk.
After the introductory speeches that will convey domestic and international experiences, the participants in the event will have the opportunity to take part in an open discussion with the panelists.
The International Fact-Checking Day has been celebrated since 2017 by the International Fact-Checking Network in collaboration with over a hundred fact-checking organizations around the world. April 2 was chosen as the antipode to April 1 – April Fool’s Day.
In response to a wave of disinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s motto is “Fact-checking can save lives and I support fact-checkers”.
On the same day, the members of the network organize a number of public events around the world with the sole purpose of emphasizing the importance of the fight against disinformation, as well as more facts in public health, journalism and everyday life.
More information about these activities can be found on the site https://FactCheckingDay.com and through the hashtag #FactcheckingDay.
The project “Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink” is implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation in partnership with Eurothink. The project is funded by the European Union.