On 28 October at 2:00 pm, within the Media Literacy Days, the project “Critical Thinking for Mediawize Citizens – CriThink”, implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation and Eurothink with the support of the European Union, organizes a public panel discussion which will analyze the results of research on media literacy and critical thinking conducted in the previous year, as well as field experiences for education in this area.
During the event, for the first time, the results of the research conducted within “CriThink” on the attitude of journalists towards media literacy will be presented.
The panel will provide a comparative discussion based on the findings of research conducted on AAAVMU by RESIS on the use of media and gender aspects in programs, as well as studies by MIM and CIVIL on hate speech and other forms of abuse of media space.
Ivan Stefanovski, Center for European Strategies – Eurothink
Vesna Nikodinoska, Macedonian Institute for Media – MIM
Gjorgji Mitrevski, Research Institute on Social Development RESIS
Igor Micevski, Research Institute on Social Development RESIS
Petrit Saracini, CIVIL – Center for Freedom
Moderator: Filip Stojanovski, Metamorphosis Foundation
Apart from the debate among the panellists, the panel will also provide dialogues with the audience, through opportunities for asking questions or expressing opinions by all participants.
The event will be open to the public and will take place online through the Zoom platform, and it will also be broadcasted live on the Facebook page of “CriThink”.
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 991 8651 0882
Passcode: 736909