The School Mapping Web App which was the winning solution of the second Open Data Hackathon is available for use. The application was developed by the startup team Web pillar & Data consulting.

Considering the importance of transparency and data availability, the winning solution offered mapping and registers according to predetermined parameters of all secondary and primary schools in the Republic of North Macedonia. The application aims to visualize the locations of primary and secondary schools, the nearest locations of betting shops and casinos, and the distance between them to see if it complies with the law. It will also serve as a blog site for all schools where all conditions, news and achievements will be posted. Users will have one application where they can compare schools, but also stimulate competitiveness between them.

The application also allows a comparison between different schools based on pre-determined parameters, it provides an opportunity for evaluation i.e. ranking of schools, determining the distance between schools and betting shops in the immediate vicinity, as well as an option for a school administrator to share relevant information about his school.

The school mapping web application supports three languages: Macedonian, Albanian and English.

The second edition of the Open Data Hackathon was organized by the Foundation for Internet and Society – Metamorphosis within the USAID Project for Civic Engagement in the period from November 30 to December 3, 2021, in Skopje as part of the International Conference The goal of the hackathon was to develop a web/mobile application that would enable visualization, interactive display and/or facilitation/digitalization of the processes for filling and updating data from databases published by state administration bodies. The open data hackathon was attended by 4 teams made up of students and startup companies.

