Good Governance Action Network



The action is designed to amplify the efforts of CSOs to address and advance good governance issues by providing tools, skills and know-how via training and coaching to enhance their advocacy work along with the grants received for implementing concrete initiatives. With these tools and trainings, local CSOs will dramatically enhance connections horizontally, with their constituencies and the public at large, and vertically with the government.

The overall objectives of the action are:

  • (O1)Enhancing the involvement of civil society in the creation of public opinion, policy making and participation in the decision making mechanisms;
  • (O2) Increasing capacities of civil society to build its constituencies and tackle bold issues.

In order to contribute to the achievement of the overall objectives, the following specific objective will be accomplished within the project timeframe: “Promoting dynamic civil society that effectively mobilizes citizens for active engagement on good governance and transparency issues and influences policy and decision-making processes at local and national level.

Key stakeholders include: citizens, CSOs, national (Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, Office for Cooperation with NGOs) and local authorities, media, and political parties.

The project centers around 4 key areas of activity:

  • strategy-building via wide consultation,
  • capacity building for CSOs,
  • small grants for targeted advocacy campaigns,
  • building a broad-based user community.