Project Name: Rapid Response to Vaccine Disinformation
Project goals:
- To increase the production and sharing of verified and educational media content (aimed at media professionals and the general public);
- Demand transparency from the authorities and facilitate cooperation with the media and civil society;
- Facilitate direct collaboration between journalists, medical professionals and other stakeholders.
Target groups:
- Media professionals
- National, regional, local media that share information through different platforms
- Public and state health institutions
- Health workers
- The general public/citizens of RNM
Expected results:
- Increased production of verified, educational health-related media content;
- Improved transparency from the authorities;
- Improved communication between authorities and health professionals and media professionals
Project activities
Production of texts in which the facts will be checked and explanatory articles (topics) in the field of health and vaccination;
Conducting webinars for media professionals on topics of their interest for better media content and better communication with their audience;
Provision of an online platform to share fast and brief information on health conditions in the country with an emphasis on vaccination and the status of Covid-19;
Promotion of specialized content tailored to national and local audiences through media websites, social media and through the establishment of a public anti-disinformation channel (ADC);
Preparation and publication of a report containing lessons learned and recommendations for fact-checkers interested in replication.
Project duration: 1 June 2021 – 31 January 2022
Financial support: Balkan Trust for Democracy
Government of RNM
Association of trainees and young doctors
The media:;;;;; Macedonian media service (;