Participants in Macedonia will have the opportunity to gain knowledge in the area of technology as part of the EU Code Week that is taking place 6 – 21 October, by taking part in events supported by Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society, as part of Meet and Code 2018 initiative. The Foundation, as the events organizer, stresses that the initiative’s goal is for students to get acquainted with the world of technology and the possibilities offered by this area.
As part of this initiative, App Inventor intuitive coding event was held at Josip Broz Tito gymnasium in Skopje, which was attended by Metamorphosis’ representatives as well as the Minister of Information Society, Damjan Manchevski.
Metamorphosis’ Valon Abdiu emphasized that the initiative’s goal is to provide students with knowledge about the world of technology and the possibilities it offers for creating innovative things. He explained that more than 130 events were organized through Meet and Code 2018 and 24 were supported by 300-euro grants each.
– All of this was done with the aim to prepare youth for the world of technology because this is an important part of our lives – it affects how we work, learn, communicate, shop, etc. Therefore, through these events, we want the new generations to become aware of different aspects of technology, increase their coding skills and abilities to be ready for the future – Abdiu said.
The Minister of Information Society, Damjan Manchevski, stated that this initiative will inspire interest among youth for new technology as well as the benefits the ICT sector can bring to their lives in the future.
– Apart from regular classes, we are trying to motivate students to code and find ways of creating something in an innovative way. As a Minister in charge of this sector, I think that the ICT area in Macedonia, apart from bringing higher salaries and more secure jobs, it offers young people an opportunity for self-employment – Manchevski said for
The goal of Meet and Code 2018 is to show the world what can be created through coding and how fun can coding be. This initiative is supporting the young, local and non-profit organizations in all countries. In addition, it strengthens local initiatives that allow digital programming and education for all – which is the objective of the EU Code Week.
Meet and Code 2018 features different events, from courses for beginners to artificial intelligence. Young people can participate in courses that explain basic PC functions or how to use Word. But they can also register for workshops on, programming, robotics or design.
All events from 2018 can be found here:
In Macedonia, Meet and Code 2018 is implemented by Metamorphosis Foundation in partnership with Stifter-Helfen and the partners from the TechSoup Europe network. Meet and Code 2018 is supported by SAP.