For more than a year, all trainings, workshops or meetings have been held exclusively online. A huge transition has taken place, all events, meetings, presentations, trainings, workshops are taking place online instead of face-to-face. The role of the training facilitator has become crucial, from their tactics, methods and ways of conducting online events largely depends on the engagement of the audience.

In order to improve the digital and training skills of the facilitators as part of the Erasmus + program from March 9 to 19, members of the Metamorphosis team together with the partners from Techsoup Europe organized two, 3-day workshops with the participation of facilitators from 6 Techsoup Europe partner countries: Austria – Fundraising Verband, Hungary – NIOK Alapítvány –, Italy – TechSoup Italia, North Macedonia – Metamorphosis Foundation, Bulgaria – FRGI and Poland – TechSoup Polska.

The first online training entitled “Training Methodology to assist the social sector on their digital transformation journey” was attended by 22 participants from 6 countries. They had the opportunity to learn how to develop a training, adult learning and create an effective and safe learning environment. What was particularly interesting was that the group practised various facilitation methods, including testing various online tools for energy.

Participants had the opportunity to learn methods and tactics on how to be better facilitators in conducting trainings and workshops. Because the role of the facilitator is extremely important, i.e. their way of conducting the training or workshop and the way of communicating with the participants, they are crucial for the success of the training itself. If the facilitator is interesting and fun, the participants have more concentration and their general impression is that the training was successful.

The second workshop, “Creating Effective Campaigns to Combat Civic Reduction,” aimed to develop the knowledge and skills to design powerful advocacy campaigns that inspire hope and win hearts and minds – using storytelling and narrative strategy. A group of 20 participants researched systems thinking tools to identify strategies that address the root causes of the problems they are experiencing in reducing civic space and advancing advocacy goals.

At the end of the trainings, the organizers received praise from the participants for the usefulness and success of the training.

If you want to read more about the tactics and skills for successful online events, click the following link:

The activities are implemented within the project “Strengthening the Civil Sector through Training and Education” funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + program.

