The ICEDA partners in cooperation with the ICEDA host partner NGO 35mm are organizing the Dialogues for the Digital Agenda: Can we have quality e-services without a digital identity? which will be held on June 24 in Podgorica (Hotel Podgorica). The event will gather representatives of relevant institutions, civil society, and other stakeholders from North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, and Montenegro, to discuss digital identity in the era of advanced digital transitions, as well as the possibilities of using digital identity to create quality e-services aimed at citizens.
During this regional discussion, special attention will be paid to the advantages and challenges that digital identity brings when creating and upgrading electronic services at the national and local levels.
The event is designed to enable the exchange of knowledge and practices between regional leaders, but also to initiate a discussion and productive dialogue on the possibilities and challenges of using digital identity for public services.
In addition to the regional discussion, NGO 35mm will present the National Report and Plan for Improving the Digital Agenda in Montenegro for 2022 and discuss with civil society representatives about the importance and role of civil society organizations in processes related to the digital transformation of both public administration and society as a whole. After the presentation, the National Report and the plan for the improvement of the Digital Agenda in Montenegro will be available on the website
In addition to the physical presence, it will be possible to follow the event live via the ZOOM platform, or via the ICEDA project Facebook page (@ICEDAproject). Due to the limited capacity of the venue, we ask all those interested to confirm their presence by filling out this form by June 21. by 6 pm, and indicate whether they will attend the event on the premises or follow the event online, in order to receive a confirmation or a live stream link on time.
The events are part of the regional project Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA, which promotes better digital services in the Western Balkans. It is financially supported by the European Union and partially co-financed by the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro