Today on the third day of the International Conference, which this year is held for the 17th time and addresses the topic “Democracy in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities”, 2 webinars were held that addressed cyber security and personal data protection in North Macedonia.


Training 1: Cyber Security – Common Myths and Disinformation

Another occasion for holding such training was the Days of Media Literacy, organized by AAAMS and the Media Literacy Network, which this year focused on young people. You can read more about networking activities here.

The training tried to address the most frequently asked questions and dilemmas that young people have regarding cyber security and online security – what exactly does online security mean, are there ways to protect ourselves while communicating, collaborating, or shopping online? A special focus was placed on the misinformation and common myths that exist regarding cyber security, privacy and the nature of the Internet, and how these narratives are (mis)used by various stakeholders to support their goals.

Can we be completely safe online? It is hard to say for sure, but being familiar with the most common ways in which our security is compromised, and our right to privacy violated, we can begin to build a more realistic picture of the Internet today, and make more informed decisions in the digital world.


Training 2: How to build a strong and sustainable system for privacy protection

Personal Data Protection or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been a commonly used term for a long time, but many ignore or do not understand its value. At today’s webinar entitled “How to build a strong and sustainable system for privacy protection”, participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the current Law on Personal Data Protection in North Macedonia from the perspective of CSOs and citizens. Through the webinar, the civil society organizations were offered knowledge and support for their full compliance with the obligations set by the Law, while the citizens were helped to understand the Law and the power of (mis)use of their data by other entities, but also the dangers of sharing other people’s data without prior consent.

We invite you to be part of the last day of the conference which will be held online through ZOOM and live for registered participants, while the rest of the audience can follow it via Facebook Live on the Facebook page of the Metamorphosis Foundation.

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