

Online focus group for implementation of the Digital Agenda in the Western Balkans in the Republic of North Macedonia

Within the research related to the implementation of the Digital Agenda in the Western Balkans in North Macedonia and the Western Balkans, as part of the project Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA which is co-financed by the European Union and implemented in 6 countries (North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania and […]



Constitutive session of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and the National Action Plan for OGP 2018-2020 held

На седницата се официјализираше конституирањето на Советот како советодавно тело за ОВП на Република Северна Македонија, за координација и следење на развојот и спроведувањето на акциските планови



Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA

Implementing Partners: Metamorphosis Foundation (North Macedonia), e-Governance Academy (Estonia), CRTA – Center for Research, Transparency, and Accountability (Serbia), NGO 35mm (Montenegro), Open Data Kosovo (Kosovo) and Lëvizja Mjaft (Albania).   Digital Agenda for Western Balkan: Digital Agenda is an initiative developed by the European Union, which has also been extended and adopted for 6 countries […]



Open Education Week 2020 has begun

Open Education Week 2020 is one of the most prominent global events that recognize the high achievements and excellence in open education. OE Week started on 2 March and will last until 6 March this year. The goal is to raise awareness and show the impact of open education on teaching and learning around the […]



Kick-Off meeting of the project “Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA” in Belgrade, Serbia

The initial Kick-Off meeting of the Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA project partners took place in Belgrade, Serbia between March 02-03, 2020. The meeting was attended by representatives from the leading project partner Metamorphosis Foundation (North Macedonia), as well as partner organisations, e-Governance Academy (Estonia), Levizja Mjaft! (Albania), CRTA – Center […]



OER presentation held in the Elementary School “Nedzati Zekirija” in the village of Kodzadzik

On 13 February 2020, another OER presentation was held within the framework of the Open Educational Resources project implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation. The concept of Open Educational Resources (OER), the benefits of these resources, and examples where they are regularly used in the teaching process were presented at the Elementary School “Nedzati Zekirija” in […]



Three-day training held with representatives of CSOs and media

In the period from 11 to 13 December 2019, a three-day training for grantees was held at Hotel Park & Spa, Skopje, within the project “Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink”. The training was attended by representatives of 11 CSOs and 10 media that are part of the second grant scheme of the project, […]



The 15th International Conference e-Society entitled “Open Institutions and Accountability” held

On 27 and 28 November, the conference entitled “e-Society: Open Institutions and Accountability” was held in the Holiday Inn Hotel as the closing event of the four-year project ACTION SEE (Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in the South East Europe region) funded by the European Union. The conference brought together over 250 representatives of […]



Open Educational Resources visits elementary school “Goce Delčev” in Vasilevo

The team from the Metamorphosis Foundation implementing the project Open Educational Resources visited the elementary school “Goce Delčev” in Vasilevo, on 22 November 2019. Firstly, they held a presentation on the concept of OER, emphasizing the benefits and through actual examples teachers were introduced to the process of creating such resources. Following the presentation of […]



Metamorphosis Foundation takes part in cybersecurity training for pupils, teaching personnel, and parents

The Ministry of Information Society and Administration, the Ministry of Education and Science, OSCE Mission in Skopje and Metamorphosis Foundation have organized a one-day training for Cybersecurity for pupils, teaching personnel, and parents. The goal of the training was to raise the awareness of risks in cyberspace, including the responsibilities of parents, educational institutions and […]



Open Educational Resources in the sector working group on Education, Employment and Social Policy

On 20 November, at 11:00 am, at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Skopje, a consultation was held between the state institutions and the civil society on the topic of “Enhancing Structured Dialogue between Institutions and the Civil Sector in the EU Accession Process”. At the event, representatives of the Metamorphosis Foundation participated in the working […]



Two more elementary schools visited within the the project Open Educational Resources

Two more schools were visited on 12 and 14 October within the project Open Educational Resources implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation. In the elementary schools “Brakja Ribar” in the village of Tabanovce and “Mustafa Kemal Ataturk” in the village of Dolno Količani presentations and workshops were held. The aim is to introduce the teaching staff […]