

Presentations and workshops on OER in the elementary schools throughout North Macedonia continue

On 4, 5 and 6 November 2019, the Metamorphosis team visited the elementary schools “Svetozar Markovikj” in the village of Staro Nagoričane, “Rajko Zhinzifov” in the village of Gorno Orizari and “Diturija” in the village of Ljubin. These visits, on which first the concept of open educational resources in presented, and then an interactive workshop […]



Fifteenth International Conference

The Conference is the final event of the 4 year project ACTION SEE (Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in the South East Europe region) where 7 organizations from the Western Balkans and UK conjoined their efforts in promoting and ensuring government accountability and transparency in the region of South-East Europe. The main aim of […]



Workshop on creating Open Educational Resources in the elementary school “Cyril and Methodius” in the village Kuevishte

On 1 November 2019, in the elementary school “Cyril and Methodius” in the village Kučevište, a presentation and workshop were held within the project Open Educational Resources implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation. This is the second such workshop implemented within the project, through which teachers are introduced to OER concepts, their usefulness and examples of […]



Presentation of open educational resources and a workshop held in the elementary school “Brakja Ramiz i Hamid”

On Thursday, 31 October 2019, a presentation of open educational resources and a workshop with the teaching staff of the Elementary School “Brakja Ramiz & Hamid” in Suto Orizari were held. These activities are part of the Open Educational Resources project implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation. By presenting OER concepts, their usefulness and by giving […]



There are still no mechanisms for protecting human rights against abuse by security services

Current legislative solutions on the work of the security services, reflecting the mutual bargaining of the current governing structure and the opposition, do not provide sufficient mechanisms for the effective protection of human rights against abuse by security services, and when it comes to the positive solutions that exist, not much has been done for […]



Pupils from the elementary school “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola learned to program a robot within “Meet and Code 2019”

Today in the elementary school “St. Kliment Ohridski “in Bitola, the “National centre for development of innovation and entrepreneurial learning” organized the event “Make a robot” within the project “Meet and Code 2019 “, which is part of the EU Code Week and is implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation. The event was attended by the […]



Accountability in interception of communications is a pressing need in the democratization process- activists, experts and journalists pointed out at a public meetup

The Foundation for Internet and Society – Metamorphosis in part of its programs actively advocates and supports civic engagement in seeking accountability from institutions on a national and local level. As part of the activities within this program, within the broader cooperation within IFEX – the global network for defending and promoting freedom of expression, […]



Event announcement

Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society together, IFEX and Global Voices are organizing a joint meetup to discuss possible models of accountability in interception of communications as an integral part of the national security system. Experts, activists and academia will share their experiences and advice on how to design a model of accountability of the […]



Introductory meeting with grantees from the third cycle of the ACTION SEE grant scheme from North Macedonia

On July 9th, 2019, an introductory meeting was held with representatives of the grantees from the third cycle of the ACTION SEE grant scheme from North Macedonia. The purpose of the introductory meeting was for the grantees to get better acquainted with the procedures regarding the implementation of their grants, but also to have the […]



Invitation for info-sessions on the second call for CriThink project Small Grants Scheme

Metamorphosis Foundation and Eurothink – Center for European Strategies invite all interested civil society organizations and media to attend the info sessions regarding the Small Grant Scheme within the Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink project, supported by the European Union. The open competition for sub-grants is part of the second cycle within the […]



Metamorphosis approach to fighting domestic and cross-border disinformation presented at POINT 8.0 conference in Sarajevo

Sara Malosmani (Levizja MJAFT!, Albania), Ivana Markulic (Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability, Serbia), Blerina Ramaj (Open Data Kosovo), Mila Josifovska (Metamorphosis, North Macedonia), Milica Kovacevic (Center for Democratic Transition, Montenegro) and Danira Karovic (Citizens Association Why Not?, Bosnia and Herzegovina) at the opening of Point 8.0. conference.   From 16 to 18 May 2019 […]



Metamorphosis Foundation takes part in the Stockholm Internet Forum 2019

Metamorphosis Foundation has been invited to contribute to one of the most important global events in the area of technology and the Internet, the Stockholm Internet Forum 2019 (SIF), currently taking place in Sweden.