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Gap Analysis of eGovernment in Western Balkans (March 2006)

Report by Prof. Dr Marjan Gusev, M.Sc. Goce Armenski University Sts Cyril and Methodius, PMF Informatics This study was supported by Metamorphosis – Foundation for Information Society Skopje, April 2006. In order to

Assessment of the Manner of Applying for Positions of Civil Servants

During May and June 2007 Metamorphosis Foundation conducted a survey regarding the website Apply On-Line of the Agency for Civil Servants of Republic of Macedonia. Research goals included getting to know the opinions

Analysis of Macedonian Secondary and Tertiary Level Domains

This document shows the most important results of the analysis of the Macedonian domains as of January 1st, 2006, based on publicly available data gathered from the site of MARNet, Macedonian domain registrar.

We-Go eGovernment Academies

We-Go Academies represent training and knowledge transfer concept that may be applied invarious online and offline settings. As such they comprise of:– Structured layout of knowledge localized to satisfy the needs of each

We-Go Academies – Executed Trainings

This deliverable reports on the status of training and knowledge transfer in other forms in theparticipating WB countries, Austria and Estonia, in the period between 1 Dec 2006 and 31Nov 2007 plus suspension

We-Go Interoperability Framework

The We-Go project aims at identifying the most recent interoperability status in Western Balkan Countries compared to the European Interoperability Framework guidelines and at developing recommendations of practical use when eGovernment services will

We-Go Knowledge Net

The We-Go Knowledge Net community is established by identifying relevant eGovernment stakeholders in all Western Balkan Countries and organizing relevant activities with their participation. We-Go team participants actively contribute to this community, and

We-Go Academies Local Implementation Plans

This deliverable focuses on preparation of implementation plans for e-government related trainings in the participating West Balkan countries – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia. The related work is carried out within

Citizens’ Perception and Attitudes Towards E–Waste in Republic of Macedonia

Research was conducted in Macedonia in order to provide a preliminary assessment of the legal and institutional framework, identify existing practices for e-waste management, but most importantly to obtain valid and quantifiable statistical

Analysis of the Situation with e-Learning in Macedonia

The models of coordination and integration of activities should also be directed towards the individual users or groups, and not only towards the entities working on the production of resources. This means creation

Мини-истражување за ставовите на студентите во врска со користењето на интернет и социјални медиуми

Во тек на 5 дебати за социјални медиуми, кои се одржаа во текот на месец април, 2012 година, како дел од проектот Социјални медиуми за демократија, Метаморфозис спроведе мини-истражување за ставовите на младите

Прелиминарни податоци од истражувањето „Зголемување на употребата на веб-локациите како алатки за транспарентност, отчетност и е-учество

Фондацијата Метаморфозис, во рамките на проектот „Зголемување на употребата на веб-локациите како алатки за транспарентност, отчетност и е-учество“, спроведе истражување чија цел е утврдување на квалитетот на е-услугите и алатките за комуникација

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