On 27 December 2016, NetSquared Balkans (Metamorphosis Foundation) organized the first meet-up “Influence of Technologies in Journalism”, dedicated to NGO representatives and journalists as well. This meet-up had the aim to present all of the topics announced for the 12th e-Society conference, which is going to take place in January 2017 and is organized by Metamorphosis Foundation, and to review all possibilities for adding necessary topics or workshops that were proposed by the participants.
The proposed topics in this informal meeting were:
– Data analysis and visualization tools: Tableau, Infogr.am, Piktochart, TimelineJS
– Influence of social media in Macedonia – Presentation of good and poor practices
– Use of open data for fact-based journalism
– Promotion of “TimeMachine”, a web app for archiving media content
Moreover, this meet-up saw the presentation of TechSoup Balkans’ offerings for NGOs that wish to receive donated visualization tools, such as Tableau’s tool. The meet-up was attended by 11 media and NGO representatives.