

Announcement: Fact-Checking and Influence of New Technologies on Journalism

On behalf of the organizing committee, we have the honor to invite you to take part in the Twelfth International Conference e-Society.Mk which this year addresses the topic of Fact-Checking and Influence of New Technologies on Journalism. The conference will take place on January 31, 2017 in the “Holiday Inn” hotel in Skopje, Macedonia. Organized […]



Meet-up for preparation of the e-Society conference took place

On 27 December 2016, NetSquared Balkans (Metamorphosis Foundation) organized the first meet-up “Influence of Technologies in Journalism”, dedicated to NGO representatives and journalists as well. This meet-up had the aim to present all of the topics announced for the 12th e-Society conference, which is going to take place in January 2017 and is organized by […]



Upcoming meet up: “Influence of Technologies in Journalism”

On Tuesday (27.12.2016), at premises of Metamorphosis Foundation starting at 15:00, NetSquared Balkans (Metamorphosis Foundation) is organizing its first meetup “Influence of Technologies in Journalism”, dedicated to NGOs and journalists. This meet up will be a teaser for the 12th conference “E-Society”, which will be held in January 2017 and is organized by Metamorphosis Foundation. […]



Ministry of Data meetup took place in Skopje

Two teams that will take part in the challenge will win tailored mentorship schemes and a prize of 2500 USD. Also, the best visualizations/analytics, mobile apps and other e-solutions that use spatial data will win an additional prize of 2500 USD.



Ministry of Data Meetup in Skopje

Ministry of Data in collaboration with Metamorphosis Foundation invite you on Ministry of Data meetup in Skopje, which will be held on 24.11.2016 starting from 5:00PM, at Cresha Bar! Click here to register your participation on the meetup. What is Ministry of Data? Ministry of Data is a regional app challenge that supports youth’s creative […]



Panel discussion on OER within “Civic initiatives for changes in laws”

On November 15, at 11:00 AM, at the EU InfoCentre in Skopje, a panel discussion titled “Civic initiatives for changes in laws” took place. This panel discussion is part of the Citizens in Parliament project, implemented by Westminster Foundation for Democracy and the School of Journalism and Public Relations. The event saw the presentation of […]



Bringing students closer to technology resulted in creation of a mobile application

During this weekend (November 5th and 6th) the Metamorphosis Foundation, organized a two day Hackathon with high school students from Bitola and Kicevo. The Hackathon was part of the EU Code Week and continuation of the Code4MK event. The goal of this event was to spawn an opportunity for high school students who have never […]



Code4MK brought technology closer to the students

The Code4MK event that took place on 17 October 2016 in Bitola, on 18 October 2016 in Tetovo and on 19 October 2016 in Kichevo, had the goal to observe the EU Code Week and to bring technology closer to the students, i.e. to be able to practically implement what they have learned so far. […]



Discussion on social media with well-known US journalists took place

The publishing speed is social media’s flaw, because the journalists are not always sure of what they publish, said John Cochran, a retired network television correspondent



Event announcement: Can the social media influence the US elections?

This event will begin with short presentation by the multiple award-winning journalists from the USA, Barbara and John Cochran, which will be followed by a discussion with the participants and active social media users from Macedonia



Discussion and workshop on good governance took place

The conclusion is that there are plenty of instruments and mechanisms with which the citizens and CSOs can participate in and can contribute towards good governance, but they are not using them because they do not know that these tools actually exist, and also they are not given enough time to use them



Good practices for good governance: Discussion and workshop

Representatives from the Western Balkans and the Visegrad Region will present their good practices and will focus on successful ICT tools that have proven as most practical and most useful