

Panel discussion held in Sarajevo: “Using technology and innovation as a tool for promoting and establishing good governance”

Using technology and innovation as a tool for promoting and establishing good governance – this was the main topic of the workshop held in Sarajevo on 28.05.2016 as one of the main events of the POINT 5.0 conference organized by ACTION SEE network and partners. The workshop indicated the potential ways on how to improve […]



Point 5.0 Conference: Political Accountability and New Technologies

This years POINT 5.0 Conference (Political Accountability and New Technologies) was held in Sarajevo from 25-28 of May. Point 5.0 is a regional conference of civil society organizations from 7 countries of Southeast Europe, which are intensively engaged in using new technologies in their work, but it will also involve the participation of organizations, individuals, […]



The competition “Freedom of expression in a mini video” 2016 is opened

Download the competition participation form Record a mini video with your cell phone and be a part of the French Film Festival! Be creative, express yourself freely through video and win a trip to France! The French Institute in Skopje and the Foundation Metamorphosis are organizing the competition “Freedom of expression in a mini video” […]



Discussion about the situation with good governance in Serbia was held

In recent years, a certain progress about good governance is noticed, however the current situation is not satisfactory, because of the discrepancy in the regulations, the significant political influence in the state bodies and the lack of human and technical resources for implementation of new standards. At this workshop, organized by CRTA and held on […]



ACTION SEE inception workshop held in Serbia

On May 19, 2016 one of the partner organizations in ACTION SEE project, Center for research, transparency and accountability – CRTA, Srbija gathered its local partner civil society organizations (CSO) and local self-government representatives at the inception workshop in Belgrade to discuss issues and challenges to the rule of law, good governance and public administration […]



Training for media for dealing with hate speech was held

On 17 May 2016, the GEM club in Skopje hosted a training for dealing with hate speech in the media sphere, primarily provided to editors, journalists and web administrators. This training was organized by the Foundation Metamorphosis within the project “Media Fact Checking Service” which is implemented by the Foundation Metamorphosis with the support of […]



ACTION SEE inception workshop held in Kosovo

On May 10, at the Cultural Center in Ferizaj, Open Data Kosovo (ODK) launched the project “Accountability, Technology and Institutional Opening network in Southeast Europe – ACTION SEE “. ODK as part of the Action SEE network which is composed of regional organizations in Southeast Europe launched the regional project in Kosovo which will enable […]



Panel discussion “The openness of the institutions as a prerequisite for good governance” was held in Montenegro

“Corruption cannot be eradicated by passing new and stricter laws, but by making changes in the society through social pressure” was the message shared of the panel discussion “The openness of the institutions as a prerequisite for good governance” that was organized by the Centre for Democratic Transition (CDT). This discussion took place on 15 […]



ACTION SEE inception workshop held in Montenegro

To reduce the possibility of corruption and ensure implementation of the rule of law, institutions in Montenegro must strive to be more transparent, accountable and efficient in their work, it was concluded at the inception workshop organized by the Center for Democratic Transition (CDT), partners in the project “Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in […]



The cooperation between the civil sector and the media is key for the good governance

The cooperation between the civil sector and the media is an exceptionally important factor when it comes to the influence on the good governance and on spurring the citizens to request accountability from the state institutions and to be more included in the creation of public policies. The attendees reached this conclusion at the round […]



Open educational resources at the Second EduConference for teachers and IT professionals 2016

The second EduConference for teachers and IT professionals 2016, organized by Friends of Education, took place from 1 to 3 April 2016, at “Drim” hotel in Struga. This conference has an aim to help the current and future teachers in the development and enhancement of their organizational, communicative, methodological and didactic skills. This event saw […]



Training: Youth activism and freedom of expression in Macedonia

On March 26, at 12:00 PM, a training on “Youth activism and freedom of expression in Macedonia” was held in Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia’s premises. This training, organized by the Union of Albanian Students in Secondary Schools in Macedonia, had Adrijana Selmani as a trainer who explained that freedom of expression is one of […]