Leveraging technology to promote institutional accountability and transparency

The project aim is to promote openness and transparency of legislative and executive branches in Southeast Europe. Within this project, the ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in SEE conducts annual research on the openness of the executive and legislative institutions in the Western Balkans. The research is carried out through the […]

Digital Activism Program

What is the Digital Activism Program? Around the world, the spread of misinformation is increasing. The strategic use of online disinformation undermines democracy and polarizes societies. While methods for combating disinformation are currently trending in the media, existing tactics primarily target fact-checkers and journalists, leaving civil society to fend for itself. Since 2018, TechSoup Network’s […]

(DIGILOC) Digital transformation at local level – Engaged community for corruption resilience

Eradicating corruption is essential for increasing trust in institutions, protecting democracy, promoting fairness and good governance. Citizens already recognize corruption as the biggest problem, and the corrupt pressure and victimization have increased significantly. Taking advantage of digital technologies can significantly improve transparency and reduce corruption. Overall objective: Active engagement of the community for greater resilience […]

Journalism for a New Generation: A Media Training Program for North Macedonia

With the support of the U.S. Embassy in Skopje, the Metamorphosis Foundation is partnering with the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) to provide foundational training to young journalists in North Macedonia. Through workshops, internships, and a study tour in the U.S, the program will give young journalists the necessary skills to drive high-quality reporting using […]

Misinformation Management System and Journalists Briefings

Main goal of the project Integrating the Misinformation Management System in the work of existing state institutions, the Ministry of Health and its subsidiary institutions, and helping them use it to more efficiently address the needs of the citizens they serve. Target groups – Health system professionals – Journalists   Expected results – Online social […]

Human Rights Protection in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Overall objective of the project „Human Rights Protection in the Age of Artificial Intelligence“ is to shape AI policies and regulatory frameworks that uphold human rights online. Specific objectives: Raise public awareness of the challenges and risks imposed by adopting upcoming strategic framework and related legislation related to AI to human rights online. Support policy […]

Transparency and accountability of State Institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia

Foundation for Internet and Society Metamorphosis, started with the implementation of the project “Transparency and Accountability of state institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia”, in order to contribute to the processes for improving the active transparency of institutions at the central level. Project activities aim to bring a better information public and greater involvement […]

ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in South East Europe 2022

ACTION SEE (Accountability, Technology and Intuitional Openness Network in South East Europe) is a network of civil society organizations working to promote and ensure accountability and transparency of government in South East Europe, which will realize the potential for civic activism and civic participation, promoting and protection of human rights and freedoms online and capacity […]

Privacy by Design –Building an inclusive digital ecosystem (EU)

PROJECT SUMMARY FIELD – Personal data protection Project Title– Privacy by Design –Building an inclusive digital ecosystem (PD-BIDE) Type of Contract/ Category – 2021/429-271 IPA Component/ (national or regional) -EIDHR Supporting a civil society through Country-Based Support Schemes in North Macedonia Programming year – 2020 Lead applicant and co-applicants Lead applicant: Metamorphosis, Foundation for Internet […]

Empowering Civil Society through Digital Transformation (ECSDT)

Objectives of the project Strengthen competencies of Metamorphosis staff as adult educators and trainers around online and innovative learning tools and approaches; Strengthen the capacity of Metamorphosis Foundation to educate CSOs on digital transformation and Improve Metamorphosis’ capacity to develop sustainable cross-border cooperation and transnational learning. Expected results: Participants involved in the activities will: gain […]

Privacy by Design – building an inclusive digital ecosystem (ABA ROLI)

General objective: To promote the enforcement of the Law on Personal Data Protection in the designing and delivery of digital services in order to make them safer and more accessible to all citizens, especially members of marginalized groups affected by digital divides. Specific objectives: Institutions improve their compliance with the Law on Personal Data Protection […]

Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub Exposing Malign Influences through Watchdog Journalism – WBADH

Main goal of the project Exposing foreign malign influence in Western Balkans by debunking and mapping the flow of disinformation, misinformation and propaganda originating from external actors trough the region. Specific objectives To increase the capacity of journalists and media outlets to identify, document, report and debunk foreign malign influences. Educate the public about the […]