

International Human Rights Day and their importance in building the post-Covid-19 world

10 December 2020. Skopje – Today is 10 December, the International Human Rights Day. On this day in 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the first global document to articulate human rights and bring them to the forefront globally, as well as one of the greatest […]



The claim that Metamorphosis employees delete content from Facebook is defamation

On 12 November 2020, a text entitled “(PHOTO) These are the people who delete content from Facebook in Macedonia!” was published on the website, which lists several false claims that can be characterized as defamation. Articles leading to the original article were also shared on the following websites,,, and At the same time, the article was shared on social networks at least 20 times, including on the Facebook pages of two political parties.



Second meeting of the ICEDA Steering Committee held today

Today, 16.10.2020, the second meeting of the ICEDA Steering Committee members was held on the ZOOM platform, for the purpose of discussing the received application from the Call for applications to provide support to CSOs to promote the Digital Agenda through the first Small Grants Scheme Cycle LOT 1: Awarding of sub-grants for the e-Government […]



Investigative article: In the IT sector, the gap between men and women is almost non-existent – News Agency

Unlike other sectors in the Macedonian economy, the IT sector stands out with the fact that the gap between men and women is almost non-existent. In some industries, such as digital marketing, the ratio is 50 percent women versus 40 percent men. Over the years, the number of women graduates in formal education is on […]



Meeting with the new Minister of Information Society and Administration Jeton Shaqiri held with the ICEDA team

Today, October 13th, at our request, a meeting was held between Metamorphosis Foundation and the Ministry for Information Society and Administration (MISA). The meeting was about presenting the project Increasing Civic Participation in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA, co-funded by the European Union, in which MISA is an associated partner, to the new Minister Jeton […]



Results of the monitoring of the implementation of the Transparency Strategy Acton Plan 2019-2021

The Metamorphosis Foundation, within the USAID’s Civic Engagement Project, monitored the implementation of the Action Plan of the Transparency Strategy 2019-2021 in the first six months. The Strategy and its Action Plan is a biennial document for the period December 2019 – December 2021 which refers not only to passive transparency (which is currently a […]



Working meeting between Mr. Bajrami – Project Coordinator of STEP and the Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Economic Affairs – Mr. Bytyqi

A working meeting was held today between Mr Florent Bajrami – Project Coordinator of the STEP project and Mr Fatmir Bytyqi – Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Coordination of Economic Departments and Investments. At the meeting, Mr Bytyqi personally received the recommendations of the STEP project regarding the overcoming of the challenges […]



Metamorphosis – organizer of the session “Challenges to Open and Online Education in North Macedonia” as part of the conference PUBMET2020

Between 16 and 18 September 2020, the seventh PUBMET conference was held, which presented innovative approaches, best practices and future challenges in the area of scholarly communication and publishing in the context of open science. On 18 September 2020, the Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society organized the session on session “Challenges to Open and […]



Call for Applications – Grants for Civil Society Organizations

ICEDA is delighted to announce this Call for Applications to provide support to CSOs to promote the Digital Agenda through the first Small Grants Scheme Cycle LOT 1: Awarding of sub-grants for the e-Government Support Centers, awarding 15 small grants to CSOs from Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia (the target is approximately 3 […]



Announcement for Call for applications

The Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda (ICEDA) network issues an: ANNOUNCEMENT CALL FOR APPLICATIONS ICEDA is delighted to inform you about an upcoming Call for Applications that would to provide support to CSOs to promote the Digital Agenda through the first Small Grants Scheme Cycle LOT 1: Awarding of sub-grants for the e-Government […]



Facebook in partnership with Metamorphosis Foundation and Truthmeter launches a fact-checking program in North Macedonia

Today, Facebook announced that together with the Metamorphosis Foundation and Truthmeter, will launch a third-party fact-checking program in North Macedonia. Besides our country, Facebook is launching this program in other countries in the region: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, while the existing program in Croatia will be expanded. As part of Facebook’s fight against […]



Call for tenders for service procurement for mid-term and final evaluation of the project Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA

For the needs of the project Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA co-funded by the European Union, Metamorphosis Foundation opens a Call for Tenders for procurement of services for mid-term and final evaluation of the project Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA. Metamorphosis Foundation from Skopje (North Macedonia) in […]