

The ICT Digital Forum has been formed

Today’s constitutive session, chaired by the Minister of information society and administration, Damjan Manchevski, saw the formation of the Digital Information and Communication Technologies Forum (ICT Digital Forum) as a partner and coalition forum for exchange of ideas between institutions and other stakeholders who support the digital partnership. The Ministry of Information Society and Administration […]



Second round of the smart tourism packages meetings within the STEP network

The second round of the joint meetings for identifying a potential framework for the rest of the packages pertaining to Macedonia, attended by businessmen and representatives of nongovernmental organizations and institutions working in the area of tourism in Macedonia, took place in Tetovo. The meeting was also attended by guests of the Albanian Elbasan region, […]


12.12.2018 Higher level of media literacy means greater responsibility of the institutions

One of the main recommendations is including media literacy in the official educational process in Macedonian schools.



Fourteenth conference Media literate citizens for accountable institutions

All interested parties can take part in the conference by filling the registration form available at, not later than Thursday, 6 December 2018, 16:00. The draft agenda is available at this website as well.



ACTION SEE study visit to Cardiff and Edinburgh

The delegation of 12 CSO representatives, two from each of the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia), together with WFD staff members from Belgrade and London visited Cardiff and Edinburgh in order to meet members of the Welsh Assembly and the Scottish Parliament, as well as CSOs, engaged in open data […]



“How computer games are made” at OOU Nikola Karev in Probistip – EU Code week

The public lesson “How computer games are made” was held on 9 October 2018, at 11:30, at OOU Nikola Karev in Probistip. This event was organized within the EU Code Week.



App Inventor intuitive coding at Josip Broz Tito gymnasium in Skopje – EU Code Week

The „Meet and Code 2018“ project’s goal is to show the world what can be created through programming and how fun can the programming be. This initiative is supporting the young, local and non-profit organizations in all countries. Apparently, it strengthens the local initiatives that allow digital programming and education for all 0 which is a declared goal by EU’s week of programming.



APC Regional meeting started in Ohrid, Macedonia

Metamorphosis hosts a regional meeting of the European members of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), taking place in Ohrid from 21 to 22 September. APC unites 59 civic organizations from the whole world with a vision that all people have easy and affordable access to a free and open internet to improve their lives […]



Panel discussion: How to inform and be informed?

In projects supported by the European Union about the development of critical thinking and media literacy, main efforts are aimed at young people and the way they perceive and use news and information, primarily from the Internet, as the dominant part of their media ecosystem. – Democracy should allow deep disputes to be discussed publicly […]



Ministry of Information Society and Administration, Ministry of Education and Science and Metamorphosis call all schools to join the EU Code Week

Ministry of Information Society and Administration, Ministry of Education and Science, in cooperation with Metamorphosis Foundation, call all teachers and professors to register for the EU Code Week 2018 which will be held between 6 and 21 October 2018 at different locations in multiple European countries.



Upholding democratic values and change in society through journalism project’s initial workshop

The workshop was attended by journalists and activists who thoroughly discussed topics that will be covered by the project in the areas of Euro-Atlantic integration, good governance, environment, healthcare, rule of law, education, emigration and brain drain.



Second STEP network constitutive meeting in the Polog region

The fourth constitutive meeting on forming the STEP network took place today at the Dinamika restaurant. The meeting was dedicated to broadening and promoting the strategic and coordinated approach to specific new and strategic markets for tourism and tourism businesses as well as strengthening the foundations, general surrounding and the elements need for strategic achievement […]